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Beauty Product Talk – Nature’s Advanced Sun Protection System

The sun is an ally to our skin’s health, however with prolonged exposure it can cause sunburn, ageing and damages to both the inner and outer layer of the skin cells and proteins. SOTHYS has formulated a product that harnesses Nature’s advanced protection system against the sun’s effects.

SOTHYS Cellu-guard® Sun Care is a complex formulation that combines the active ingredient of Jasmine flavonols to shield the skin against excessive sun exposure, by reinforcing the anti-UVA and UVB (SPF 30) actions and boosting the anti-free radical endogenous defense systems. The skin’s auto-protection system is further heightened with the combination of Cellu-guard® and Jasmine flavonols, preserving the integrity of skin cells, immune defenses and limits photo-ageing.

In short, it is capable to protect our skin from these levels:

  • Anti-UVA and UVB (SPF 30) – High protection of both inner and outer layer of the skin cells and proteins
  • Double Tissue Protection – Collagen & elastin for anti-inflammatory action

Hence, it assists our skin in forming a protective layer that effectively reflects the damaging sunrays. Arming our skin with the necessary defenses whenever we venture outdoors.

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