Do you own a web site or a blog? Have you ever wondered how you could provide great free stuff to your web site and/or blog’s visitors? Even if you have none of the above, don’t worry, you still can make people love you by providing something valuable to them, i.e. through emailing but not in the form of spamming.
Isn’t it in this new business era, we have to give something free and valuable, be it in the form of useful information, free gifts, coupon vouchers and others that only you can imagine? That is what we called “Value Added”, in order for businesses to survive in this competitive market.
To make story short, here is how the system works. As a site or blog owner, or through emailing, you as a publisher and with the help from RevResponse, will need to display or let know the free stuff to your visitors. This can be in the form of a text link, Ad Space, Widget or content in Newsletter format. Basically your site / blog’s visitors from all over the world will have the chance to browse through and to register for free for over 30 industries sectors magazines, white papers, downloads and podcasts. They need only to complete a brief online form providing some basic personal particulars such as job title, industry type, etc. However, I understand that this does not include credit card information, sound great, right?
What about us as a publisher received in return? RevResponse will pay publishers based on every qualified subscription and request that your visitors generated. Its sort of lead generation program that pays its publishers to generate leads to these free resources. RevResponse will pay by check or Paypal once a minimum balance has been reached. Oh, before I forget, they also pay publishers for referring publishers to them!
As a publisher, you are allowed to place RevResponse’s links with other marketing programs that you are running, such as Adsense, Affiliate Marketing, etc. In addition, as a publisher we can participate in those frequent contests organized by RevResponse. At this moment, they have this "July Challenge", a very attractive and easy contest running for everyone.
Don’t miss this opportunity, go and check it out there.
To you online success!
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